(561)235-3770 arubatt22@gmail.com

E-Bikes & more

During the last two years, the bicycle and the electric bike have experienced an increase in popularity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the need for social distancing and avoiding public transportation, many people have opted for the bicycle as a safe and healthy mode of transportation.

The bicycle has proven to be an efficient and sustainable alternative for daily commuting, as it does not produce polluting emissions and helps reduce traffic congestion. Additionally, the use of the bicycle has many health benefits, improving physical fitness and cardiovascular endurance, as well as reducing stress and anxiety.

Cities worldwide have responded to the increased demand for bicycles with a range of measures to promote their use. New bicycle infrastructures have been created, such as protected bike lanes and pedestrian areas, and the bike rental network has been expanded in many cities.

The electric bike, or e-bike, has proven particularly popular during the pandemic, as it helps overcome physical barriers and reduces the effort required for pedaling. Moreover, electric bicycles are more accessible for people with mobility issues or for those who need to travel longer distances.

Electric bicycles are also a faster and more economical alternative to cars, particularly in urban areas where traffic congestion is a problem. Additionally, many models of electric bicycles are designed to be foldable, making them ideal for those who need to transport them on public transportation or store them in small spaces.

Cities worldwide have responded to the increased demand for electric bicycles with a range of measures to promote their use. Incentives for the purchase of electric bicycles have been created, such as government subsidies and tax discounts, and the charging infrastructure for electric bicycles has been expanded in many cities.

In summary, during the last two years, the bicycle and the electric bike have experienced an increase in popularity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bicycle has proven to be an efficient and sustainable alternative for daily commuting, while the electric bike has overcome physical barriers and proven particularly popular in urban areas. Cities worldwide have responded to this increased demand with a range of measures to promote their use, suggesting that the bicycle and the electric bike will continue to be an important part of personal mobility in the future.

How can i fix a bike?(mine or for some per$on$ bike)


Electric scooters are an increasingly popular and attractive alternative to traditional motorized vehicles. These vehicles, powered by an electric motor, are small, lightweight, and easy to maneuver, making them ideal for short and urban trips. They are also environmentally friendly and have a lower impact on the environment compared to vehicles that use fossil fuels.

In terms of design, electric scooters are similar to gas scooters, but instead of an internal combustion engine, they have an electric motor powered by batteries. These batteries can be recharged at a home power outlet or at public charging stations, making them a cost-effective and convenient option for drivers.

Electric scooters also have the advantage of being quieter than gas scooters, which reduces noise pollution and can be an important consideration in densely populated urban areas.

In addition, some models of electric scooters have additional features such as LED lights, disc brakes, and improved suspension systems, making them more comfortable and safer to drive. They are also available in a wide range of designs and colors, making them attractive for different styles and tastes.

In terms of performance, electric scooters have a lower maximum speed than gas scooters, but they can be fast enough for most urban commutes. They also have smoother and more constant acceleration, making them easier to handle in urban traffic. The distance that can be covered with a battery charge depends on the model, but in general, electric scooters have a range of between 40 and 100 km, making them ideal for daily commutes.

In terms of cost, electric scooters may be more expensive than gas scooters in terms of purchase price, but operating costs are significantly lower. The cost of charging the battery is much lower than the cost of filling up a gas tank, and maintenance costs are also lower, as electric scooters have fewer moving parts and require less maintenance overall.

However, there are some things to consider when considering the purchase of an electric scooter. The charging infrastructure is not yet as widespread as fossil fuels, which can be a problem for those who do not have access to a power outlet at their home or workplace. In addition, the battery charging capacity may decrease over time, which can affect the distance that can be covered with a single charge.

In conclusion, electric scooters are an increasingly popular and attractive alternative to traditional motorized vehicles. They are environmentally friendly, cost-effective, easy to handle, and have additional safety features.
